
Sunset Heights Multistake Family History Center

Staff Meeting September 12, 2017


 Welcome:  Brent Gardner

Opening Prayer:  Floyd Billings

Spiritual Thought: Bob Gunnell

Bob talked about one of his ancestors – Marie Madeleine Cardon of Torino, Italy. As a young child of 5 or 6 she had a dream or vision where 3 men came to her. These men told her they were missionaries of a restored church. These men told Marie that through her the Gospel would be accepted by her family. Marie was told that one day she would cross the ocean and also the land which would get her to Zion. She told her father about her dream. Then around 10 years later Marie’s father heard there were 3 men preaching some religion. He got excited because he remembered Marie’s dream. He sought these men out and found Lorenzo Snow preaching the Gospel. He and his family accepted the Gospel. The Lord uses many different ways to bring the Gospel into people’s life. And knowing these stories of our ancestors, we are strengthened in our testimonies and commitment to the Gospel. And sharing such stories is definitely part of doing Family History.


September 19, 11 am and 7 pm, Patron Class, Larry Jensen, “Web Indexing”

October 3, 11 am and 7 pm, Patron Class, Elder James Tanner, “Putting Trees on Different Sites”

October 9, 11:30 am, Moms and Tots

October 10, 7 pm, Staff Meeting

October 17, 11 am and 7 pm, Patron Class, “Family Search Apps”

October 31, Halloween, closed after 4 pm


Staffing Update:  Sherri Whiting from the Cherry Hills 7th ward is a newly called staff member. She is serving on the Friday morning shift.


Upcoming Needs for Substitutes


  1. Working with Patrons: Rod Cuthbert (Sub for Pat Cuthbert)

Rod reminded us of the importance of asking new patrons who come to the Center what they would like to accomplish. He also reminded us of the  training opportunities  for the youth on Wednesday evenings  and adult groups on Thursday evenings, by appointment.

Don Kimball then followed up with a flyer for us to disperse in our individual wards regarding the youth training which includes  a new 3-week series of  classes on Family Tree and a single evening class on Indexing. He enlisted our help in getting the word out.

2.  WiFi at the Center: Don Kimball

FHC Presentation – New Wireless Access Point – comp  

3.  Immigration and Citizenship Records: Carol Smith

FHC USCIS presentation – comp

Closing Prayer:  Brent Gardner


Please see our new blog at http://sunsetheightsfhc.wordpress.com/

Thanksgiving break is Wednesday November 24 through November 27, 2010.

Christmas break will be December 20 through January 1, 2011.

If a holiday vacation provides a research opportunity, please call Marilyn Thomsen and we will make arrangements.

We are sad  cancer ended Ellen Halladay’s service as the center’s director.  Our warm thoughts and wishes are with  her and her sweetheart Kevin as they battle her cancer and the side effects.  Marilyn Thomsen, the new director, is grateful that Lynda Sorensen and Don Engstrom have agreed to help fill Ellen’s big shoes.

We have a third person on each of the Tuesday and Friday morning shifts at the FHC – both are called as FHCs in their various Lakeview Wards. Karla Coltharp will be the extra person on the Tuesday morning shift, and Eileen Kraczek will be the extra person on the Friday morning shift. Both will be in charge of answering the door and getting people started.

We had a good lesson on the 9th, taught by Bro. Engstrom. A patron said it was just what was needed and said that she learned the most from his going thru the census for a particular individual. If you missed the lesson or would like a repeat, just come on Bro Engstrom’s shift – either Monday afternoon or Thursday morning – and he can show or tell you how to access the lesson on our network of self-training lessons.

This FHC blog has been changed to the first tab in Internet Explorer and other browsers. The purpose for this is because I need all staff members to regularly read the information on the blog; it contains info pertaining to your shifts and the operation of the center. Please catch up on all blog posts since the last time you served your shift and read the blog. This is going to be one of the best and quickest ways for me to share information and keep all staff members up to date about the FHC.

New FamilySearch and other FamilySearch sites can be found on the other tabs.

The Family History Center is open in the evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. On Wednesday evenings it is staffed by Richard and Marilyn Thomsen. On Tuesday evenings it is staffed by Craig and Priscilla Stutz and Lee and Dianne Johnson, who rotate every other week. Patrons need to arrive by 8 p.m.

During the day, the FHC consistently stays open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except for holidays and 2 weeks at Christmas.

This schedule is up to date on the “Staff & Hours of Operation” sheet attached to the center door and on the bulletin boards.

I have often announced to newsletters and such that patrons need to call the center to ask about the current evening schedule. This means that all staff members need to be informed as to what that schedule is. The evening schedule changes more than the daytime schedule. Also, there are often groups that come in to use the center in the evening, which makes it difficult for people of the general pubilc to come in for use. Groups that are scheduled are written on the paper calendar to the left of the desk.

This schedule will remain for the present. Groups can contact me in advance if they’d like to have a group meeting or lesson on one of the evenings. If they’d like to come Thursday, that is also possible, if they have a trained staff member in their group.

Don Engstrom will teach our lesson next week:

How to Research a Family
Anyone is invited…
Family History Classes
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Sunset Heights Family History Center
1260 S 400 W, Orem
“A Case Study of Beginning Genealogy Research”
3 pm and 7 pm

We will watch the process of building a family and a pedigree through online research, where the family members were previously unknown. We will look for online indexes and original records of census, birth, marriage, death, military, immigration, etc. We will examine compiled records (family pedigrees assembled by others), we will learn how to resolve discrepancies in records, and we will learn what to do after we search for someone and can’t find them. This lesson will give great examples of how each of us can search for our own family’s records.. Anyone interested in researching their genealogy is welcome to attend. The lesson will last about an hour. There will be a class at 3 p.m. and a repeat class at 7 p.m.

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For the time being, all of the computers have been set to default to the HP 1300 Printer (the one on the far right of the room). The grey printer in the middle of the room needs a little maintenance, but it can still be used for making photocopies. We’ll get it fixed up again soon. Just so you know, you’ll be getting your printouts from the far printer for a little while.

Ellen is back from vacation, and Don will be right away as well. Thanks go to Hildred for being willing to field staff members’ questions while we were both gone. Don had some interesting news while he was away. He unexpectedly encountered Sharlene Gardner in Dublin. Sharlene and her husband were also on vacation in Ireland, but the two thought they would not cross paths. Get Don and Sharlene to tell you more about their trips.

Today we experienced two great lessons by Marilyn Thomsen about, “How Do I Start My Family History?” Some attendees had quite a few questions, and I believe Marilyn’s lesson helped them to get started. Staff member Percy Smith even came twice – at 3 p.m. and at 7 p.m.! I also attended twice, and even though I’ve already begun my family history, I learned things in both sessions, the teaching was that good.

I’ve left the syllabuses I received from the BYU Computerized Genealogy Conference and the National Genealogical Society Conference in the Family History Center for all the staff members to use. They both contain some great info.

Someone left a black fleece jacket at the FHC a few weeks ago. As of this writing, it is in the left closet. I’m afraid it will be going to Deseret Industries in a couple of weeks if no one comes in to claim it. If anyone knows whose it might be, please contact them, and thanks.

A pop-up box often appears when we are using the computers at the FHC asking if the you’d like to take a survey about Family History Centers. This message is from the LDS Church’s family history department, and it is okay to take the survey.

Please feel free to take the survey, and I encourage you to do so. Thanks for your help.

Marilyn Thomsen and I rode together to the two conferences at the Salt Palace, and hung out together in a couple of classes. We made a point of going to at least a couple of Elizabeth Shown Mills’ lectures. Elizabeth is very entertaining (and knowledgable and experienced).

We asked her afterward if she’d pose with us. Here are our two portraits, taken with Elizabeth Shown Mills, author of the widely-used genealogy books, “Evidence Explained” and “Professional Genealogy,” along with many other books and articles:

Ellen Halladay 2010 Copyright

Marilyn with Elizabeth Shown Mills

I have to explain why someone else is actually taller than I am, because not many women are. I am so accustomed to towering over other women, that I automatically bend my knees when I pose with another girl. I guess this time it made me shorter than I realized. But I was still glad to have my photo taken with Ms. Mills:

Ellen Halladay 2010 Copyright

Ellen with Elizabeth Shown Mills

Bro. Bob Liddle has been called to replace Keith Wilson as the Sunset Heights Stake High Counselor over family history.  Bro. Wilson leaves soon with his wife for his service as a mission president in Everett, Washington.

Here are some sayings quoted at the National Genealogical Society Annual Conference this past week. These can help us all to become better genealogists. The quotations may not be exact because I had to write all these down quickly or rely on my memory, but they’re close to what they said.

From the presenters at the NGS Conference:

Elizabeth Shown Mills:

“When you drink from the water, consider the source,” comparing this to genealogical sources.

“All of our elusive ancestors had their own FAN clubs: Friends, Neighbors and Associates.” (Clues will come from an person’s FAN Club.)

“Genealogists can’t have agendas. They have to be impartial.”
“It’s not whether a good genealogist cites sources, but whether the sources survive scrutiny.”

“When you have a hypothesis you must play Devil’s Advocate and research again, looking for other possibilities.”

“No case is final!”

“There is no kind of record out there that doesn’t have genealogical value for us.”

“Research isn’t looking up the answer, but tracking down the answer.”

“Births, Marriages and Deaths, as the British say it, are Hatching, Matching and Dispatching.”

Elizabeth made light of an imagined patron saint of genealogy: “Saint Genie.”

Thomas W. Jones:

“As genealogists, we should be skeptical, not gullible.”

“Relying on one record alone has caused many genealogists to put the wrong person in the wrong place.”

“If a record is created for genealogical purposes alone, its value goes down.”

“You can’t come to a conclusion with unresolved conflicts.”

Barbara Vines Little:

“When searching for women you need to do whole family research.”

J.H. Fonkert:

Quoting Sturdevant: “If you’re not sure you want to write your family history, think of what you are going to do with your research” (in the end).

“Proof is not static and forever. New evidence may come up.”
“Learn to write by reading good writing.”

I don’t remember who said it, but this idea was reiterated several times: “A perfect genealogical source doesn’t exist.”

David McCullough, from the “Celebration of Family History” with the MoTab:

“If not forgotten, then not gone.”

“Attitudes are not taught, they’re caught.”

Please allow these to enrich your day, and your research.

Sister Marilyn Thomsen will be teaching our lesson this coming month:

Beginning Family History
Anyone is invited...
Family History Classes
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Sunset Heights Family History Center
1260 S 400 W, Orem
“How Do I Start My Family History?”
3 pm and 7 pm
This class is designed for beginners who need to start their family history and also for the advanced who need a review of basic principles. We will learn about gathering and organizing info at home, reaching out to other family members, and finally, searching public records. At the end of the lesson we will have a short hands-on session about how to fill out a research log. Anyone interested in researching their genealogy is welcome to attend. The lesson will last about an hour, plus the hands-on session at the end. There will be a class at 3 p.m. and a repeat class at 7 p.m.

This page can be printed and shared:


I’m writing this from the GenTech Hall at the National Genealogical Conference at the Salt Palace. It’s the end of the lunch session, so I only have a few minutes, but I have some helpful information to share.

Have you tried identifying genealogical sources as Primary and Secondary? Apparently, from Elizabeth Shown Mills’ presentation today, we can throw those monikers out the door! Here is the way she explained that we should identify sources, and this information comes from the Standards Manual of the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG):

SOURCES have two physical forms:

SOURCES contain INFORMATION. Information has two levels:
–Primary (firsthand)
–Secondary (secondary)

From this INFORMATION we select, or draw, EVIDENCE. Evidence comes in two classes:
To determine which one the evidence is, you ask the question, “Does the evidence answer our research question all by itself? If the answer is:
–Yes, then it is direct evidence.
–No, then it is indirect.

Try applying these principles to your next set of record lookups, and remember to ALWAYS consider the value of the source, no matter who gave it, in determining how you represent these sources in your genealogy. Elizabeth closed with a saying our ancestors used, “When you drink from the water, consider the source.”

Happy hunting, and I’ve got to run to class.

P.S. Additional sightings today include Max and Kathy Henrie!

This week I’m attending the “Week of Family History” at the Salt Palace, which includes the BYU Computerized Conference and the National Genealogical Society Conference. I’ll be bringing home the two syllabuses for use in the FHC.

I’ve spied some other staff members here – Marilyn Ellis, Priscilla Stutz and Marilyn Thomsen, whom I’m riding up with each day.

There are a LOT of people here! And here’s a little news: FamilySearch has announced the release of their newest beta: beta.familysearch.org has gone live to the public this week. It is a portal site where all the other FamilySearch sites are supposed to be consolidated. Give it a try; you can log in with your LDS account. It needs a little fixing up, but it’s interesting to explore.

More news: FamilySearch has announced the release of 300,000,000 more names on the Record Search Pilot site. (Yes, that said 300 million.) They’re also on the Beta site. To see which ones are new, go to FamilySearch Record Search (pilot.familysearch.org) and click on “Browse Record Collections.” Select the continent you want, and notice the new records. If you select the U.S., you’ll see LOTS of new record listings!

There’s a drawing every day for an iPad. I haven’t won mine yet, so I’ll keep trying.

The DjVu viewer enables us to see certain types of historic images on the internet. Some sites that will be improved by this are FindMyPast.co.uk (found in our collection, “FHC Online Databases,” which has a link on all the computer desktops); and New England Historical Genealogical Society (NEHGS, or “Hiss Gen” as Bro. Hale calls it).

The DjVu viewer is installed on computers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. I need to finish it on 1 and 7.

They’re on the paper holder on the desk! If anyone would be willing to cut them out, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Many of the staff members already fill the printers with paper when they are empty, but I’m asking for a couple of volunteers to do it regularly on their weekly shifts. I’m hoping someone in the beginning of the week, and someone at the end of the week will make it a habit every time to check the printers. Please make sure there is about a half- or three quarters-inch of paper in the tray. Make sure there is a ream next to the paper for refills. The extra reams are in the metal cabinet next to the desk.

Click on “Leave a Comment” if you’re the ones willing to do this every time. Thanks!

Last Wednesday we had a successful set of demonstrations about the FamilySearch Wiki. Elder Allan Hale lit a fire in us all to search out reference material in this vast and growing online resource.

The wiki can be found at https://wiki.familysearch.org/en/Main_Page . Type in any category of research in the search bar – locations such as Massachusetts, or categories such as probate. (Save the surnames for New FamilySearch and FamilySearch Record Search!)

The wiki can be easily found at the Family History Center by opening a web broswer such as Internet Explorer and viewing the 3rd tab on the home pages.

Computer 2, and sometimes Computer 1, don’t always turn on properly. If you flip the power button quickly, the computer will sometimes hang and do nothing.

The procedure for turning on these two computers is as follows, and it is very simple:
Press the power button straight in and deliberately, and hold it for an extra half second. Observe that a few green lights are starting to show on the case, and the computer should work properly.

If you see an orange light on the power button, the computer didn’t turn on all the way. If this happens, you’ll have to do a hard shut down by holding in the power button for a few seconds until the computer completely turns off. Then, start over by pressing in the power button deliberately to turn it on.

We’d like to know if you discover anything about the FHC’s computers that doesn’t work properly that you can’t resolve. There is a notebook next to the desk where you can log the problems you encounter.

With some problems, you might choose to call Ellen, Don or Walt Nicholes to try to get them fixed immediately if they’re an emergency.

Please use the notebook to list any variety of little or big problems you encounter, so we can do our best to keep things running properly.

The containers of blank floppy discs and blank (writable) compact discs are now on the shelves in the left closet. They used to be next to the microfilm reader next to the desk. They don’t get used much anymore with the prevalence of USB drives, but I’m letting patrons and staff to know, in case anyone needs them.

The cost for each blank CD for personal use is $.20, and $.20 more for an envelope. The floppy discs are free.

For those who are interested in the continuing free instruction for genealogy accreditation, the first three lessons from BYU are all posted online.

Go to:
Click on:
Library, then Education
Then click on:
Genealogical Presentations Online
Scroll down and find:
ICAPGen The International Commission for the Accreditation of Genealogists, 2010 Accreditation Mentoring Series
There are 3 lessons online at this point.

Or, you can copy and paste this address:

(Sorry, I still can’t get these to work as a link, yet.)

The Family History Center will be closed Saturday April 3rd and sunday April 4th for General Conference. It will reopen Monday, April 4th at 10 a.m.

This is just a reminder that the official policy of the Church is that there is not supposed to be food in Family Hsitory Centers. It is best to take any food out of the center if you need to eat. If there is ever a reason that you feel you need to eat in the Center, please confine it to the table, and please clean up after yourself. Please wipe off the table for crumbs, grease, stickiness, etc., and pick up anything off the floor. If you’ll do this kind thing, it will keep the next person’s papers clean, and it will keep someone else from having to do the cleaning up. I am making this request because I often clean up food messes at the center that are not my own. Thanks for your help.

We’d like to get the word out for our April 14th lesson about FamilySearch Wiki. I’m hoping each staff member will submit an event to your ward’s webmaster and ask that the email go out to all ward groups.

If you understand what I just said, please go for it. If you have an lds.org account but have never submitted an event to your ward, this will be an opportunity to learn how to do it, if you’re willing. Please check your ward’s website for the “Submit Event” or “Submit News” buttons. You can copy the details from the previous post I made in this blog announcing the April 14th class.

If you don’t have an LDS account for your ward, or if you have no idea what I was just talking about, this might be an opportunity for you to learn how to log in to your own ward. Go to lds.org, and “About the Church,” and “Stake and Ward Websites” to log in. On that same page you can also select “Obtain an LDS Account.”

You can also check with your newsletter editors to see if they got my email with the announcement they were asked to print.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Elder Allan Hale will be teaching our lesson this coming month:

FamilySearch Wiki
Anyone is invited…
Family History Classes
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Sunset Heights Family History Center
1260 S 400 W, Orem
“Genealogy Research for Beginners and Advanced”
3 pm and 7 pm
The FamilySearch Wiki, created by the Church and similar in concept to Wikipedia, is a vast collection of research guidance for genealogy. Family history goals can be simple, such as finding grandma’s tombstone, or complex, such as discovering her unknown parents. Whether your ancestors are from Columbia or Colombia, guidelines on how to research most any county and any country can be found here. This lesson, geared toward beginning and advanced researchers alike, can help lead you to the books, films and websites needed to expand your pedigree. Anyone interested in researching their genealogy is welcome to attend.
The lesson will last about an hour, plus a question and answer period.
There will be a session at 3 p.m. and a repeat session at 7 p.m.

Well, yes, it was.  I’ll admit up front, it was I who did it.  I filled out the Daily Herald Best of County ballot and decided to add a write-in category of “Best Family History Center,” and nominated Orem Sunset Heights.  Who knows, maybe next year they’ll actually have that as a category, due to that suggestion.

There was a thumb drive left in the FHC. It was on the table next to the desk when I left. It is easily identified because it has a green pipe cleaner attached to it. It’s been there for at least a couple of weeks, and I’ll bet the owner would like it back. I plugged it in and did a brief look at the contents, but I could not determine whose it was. If any staff members would like to take it upon themselves to look at its contents more in depth and see if they could contact the owner, please do so. I think the owner would appreciate it.

Here are instructions for what to do when you see a blank screen on Ancestry.com at the FHC. It’s very simple, really. Just PRESS the F5 KEY (Refresh) at the top of the keyboard, the page will reload, and you should see your results. If that doesn’t work, press it again. If that doesn’t work, click on the Back button, and click on Search again in order to redo the same search you just tried to do. Press Refresh (F5) one more time if you need to.

Someone click on “Leave a Comment” after they’ve tried this and it worked – hopefully someone who just learned this info for the first time.

Legacy (genealogical database software) has issued yet another version, and each computer has now been updated to 7.4 Build 21. The reason you want to know this is because, if you use Legacy at home and you want to bring your database into the FHC, it will require you to update your own database to the new build, and you won’t be able to use the old version at home anymore. That means you’ll have to make sure your program at home is also updated to Build 21.

Legacy is one of the few programs that works this way. Most other programs can go back and forth with the different versions. Just let me or Don know if you have any problems with Legacy.

The FHC needs someone willing to update the list of microfilms we have. There already is a beginning list, and it needs to be compared to the films actually in the cabinet.

If anyone would like to take on this task, I’d greatly appreciate it. It shouldn’t be too time consuming. Just grab the list waiting on the FHC desk, take it into the film room, and check off the film numbers as you count them. Then, write on the back any additional film numbers that are missing from the list.

Thanks for your help, and just let me know when you’ve had a chance to do it, or click on “Leave a Comment.”

We’ve had some items donated to the FHC from a member of the Lakeview 2nd Ward: several quarterly journals from the New England Historical Genealogical Society and the Ohio Genealogical Society, an IcapGen Manual, “Becoming an Excellent Genealogist,” and three BYU Computerized Conference syllabuses (syllabi?). There are helpful articles in each one or these books.
I just looked it up. Both are correct: syllabuses and syllabi, and now we have a good collection of them.

The Family History Center has been asked to be on watch for basketball players. Apparently, some people have been coming in somehwat regularly to play, and they have also been using the nursery room – the one down the hall near the cultural hall – and messing up the toys and damaging them. I’m asking the staff on each shift to listen and watch for players, and to walk down a couple of times on each shift to see if anyone might be there. If there are players, please call Everett Young; his number is on the board at the FHC. You won’t need to talk to the players, but Bro. Young wants to come down and talk to them himself. Thanks for your help.

On Wednesday the 10th we had a great lesson about New FamilySearch. Allan Hale taught about how to prepare ancestors’ names for the temple and about some of the problems that arise. We had some very interesting discussions. Did you know that a person’s last name field cannot include only an initial? This sometimes happens when a person enters, for example, “Katherine M.,” for a first name and middle initial when a last name is not known. The program sometimes interprets the initial as the last name, and the temple process can’t be completed. All that needs to be done is to reidentify the names both as given names, and the individual would be “ready.”

Another thing we learned is that a person less than 110 years old who is deceased who has only a death date listed in the field can’t have his name processed for temple work without a death location. Just in case that didn’t make any sense, come ask us in the FHC, and we’ll show you how it works. I was able to use this knowledge just two days later when helping a lady with her family names. We made a point of adding a death location where there wasn’t one, and this probably saved us a lot of work in trying to figure out what was wrong. Thanks, Elder Hale!

We’ve decided on a topic for our April 2010 teaching. We will learn about the program, “FamilySearch Wiki.” The website for this is found at wiki.familysearch.org. The site’s description is, “Free family history research advice for the community, by the community.” Elder Hale will teach again, and we will learn the values of this research tool, how to use it and how to contribute to it.

You can put this date on your calendar now: Wednesday, 14 April 2010. Go ahead and mark this as “valuable family history training.”

The next of the ICAPGEN series mentoring classes for accreditation for genealogists is tonight at BYU’s library.

I have acquired the three books required by the class. Whoever among the staff members is attending the class and needs to use them, please contact me.

The books are:
–The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, by Val Greenwood
–Evidence! Citation and Analyisis for the Family Historian, by Elizabeth Shown Mills
–Professional Genealogy, by Elizabeth Shown Mills

The books will also become available for use at the Center.

If anyone still wants to attend, there may still be room. The person you would need to contact is Tristan Tolman at BYU, 801-380-5924.

I have changed each of the Internet Explorer home page tabs to include this FHC blog. There is also an icon on each FHC desktop for the blog. It is found just to the left of the name of the Church and just below the Christus’s hand. This will make it easy for staff members or patrons to check it for current news.

I’ve also added a bookmark to each of the Google Chrome browsers (left side), on the computers that already have Google Chrome.

Firefox: I’ve added a tab for an additional home page for the blog, and I’ve added it to the bookmarks bar.

There is a pair of reading or other prescription eyeglasses at the Center that have been on the desk for a couple of weeks. I hope the owner of them reads this and comes to claim them, or if any staff members know of someone who has lost his glasses, please let them know.

I did it. I signed up for both of the conferences in April. The BYU computerized Genealogy conference will be held April 26th and 27th at the Salt Palace, and on the tail of that is the National Genealogy Society’s conference from the 28th through Saturday May 1st. Actually, my NGS registration form is signed and sealed; it just needs to be delivered.

If any of you would like to sign up for them, see the last post for the site you can go to. However, there is a special registration form the the NGS Conference that can only be used until Monday March 8th, where you get a couple of good discounts. The form used to be online, and then it was removed, but I asked BYU and they sent me a copy of it. Here it is:


I want to make sure you all know about the opportunity to attend a big set of genealogy conferences to be held in Salt Lake at the end of April.  I sent the staff members an email about it, and you might have gotten one from Family Search Support as well.
Here is the site for finding info on these conferences:
(Sorry, you’ll have to copy and paste; I couldn’t get it to work as a link.)
The discount deadline for the NGS conference is March 8th.

Legacy 7.4

I have updated all of our computers with the program Legacy 7.4.  Anyone who wants to open their database in Legacy will have to convert it to the new format (which is a good thing).  Legacy 6 and 7.0 are no longer available on our computers.  Legacy 7.4 has started to introduce the New FamilySearch features, but it is not full-featured yet.

Many of you know Keith Wilson, the Sunset Heights Stake High Councilman assigned to work with our Center.  We’ll be saying goodbye to Keith soon, because he and his wife Ada have been called as mission presidents!  They will be leaving this summer to serve in the Washington Everett Mission.  The Wilsons were featured in the Church News on February 27th along with 6 other new mission presidents.  Bro. Wilson has served our center as high councilman for about 4 or 5 years.


Today marks the 6th anniversary of my service as Director of the Family History Center.  I was set apart on February 29th, 2004.  I have served as a staff member at the center for 10 1/2 years including my service as director.  My husband and I started July 2nd, 1999 with a once-a-month Friday night shift which we were invited to do by the director at that time, Jack Davis.  We kept this for many years, although sometimes we weren’t able to make the shift, due to conflicts with other activities.  I currently serve on the Friday morning shift, which I have kept for eight years, with the exception of a few months when Bro. & Sis. Hyde needed to have that shift time.

Considering how as I have served, there are current staff members who have served even longer.  Sister Tolson, Sister Ellis, Brother Hodgson, Brother Smith and Brother Robinson have all served longer than my 10 1/2 years, some with a little break in between.  Sisters Ellis and Tolson have served most or all of their time in their current shifts – Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon.  I’m not sure how long they’ve all served, and I’ll edit this writing when I find out.

I am grateful to all of our staff members and their dedicated service.  The Center has served many patrons over the years, and I’ve always believed the Lord watches over it and magnifies our efforts in finding our ancestors.
Post post: Sis. Tolson says she’s served at the center for about 13 years.

As of February, the times for our evening shifts have changed.  They will begin at 6:30 and go until about 8 or 9 p.m.  Staff members might leave after 8 p.m. if no patrons are present.  Any patrons should show up before 8 p.m.